


学校長 田村聡明


 さて、槐祭は生徒全員が参加して行う数少ない貴重な行事である。多様性を尊重しつつ、 複雑化している現代の社会では、何かを作り上げるには、一人の力では作り得ないものが多い 。様々な価値観が溢れる中で、個々に大切にしたいものを皆で共有することは、そう簡単なことではない。しかし、歴史が物語るように、人間の強みは連携し協働することで一人では成し得ないものを作り上げることが出来ることにある。
 皆さんが一緒になって作り上げるこの経験は、時に大きな苦労を伴うことも多いが、コミュニケーションや交渉等、様々な力を養う機会であり 皆さんを大きく成長させてくれるものでもある。
 ご参加頂いた皆さん、どうぞ夢のような今年の槐祭「※これは夢ではありません」を是非 お楽しみください。


Once again, we greet the season of the Enju Festival.

The festival theme for this year is "This is not a dream". Though the theme is paradoxical, I interpreted it as a will to make dreams a reality. I anticipate a fulfilling festival that symbolizes the daily diligence paid to make sure dreams do not end up as dreams but as reality. Although the pandemic has made us cherish everyday life, I am excited that your dreams will come true through this annual event.

The Enju Festival is one of the few events in which all students participate. In modern society, which is diverse and complex, there are many things that cannot be created alone. Where there are different values, it is not easy to share with everyone each treasured belief. However, as history indicates, the strength of humans is that by cooperating, we can create something that we could not have alone.

The experience of creating something together might involve hardships at times, but it is also an opportunity to nurture communication and negotiation abilities and will allow you to grow as people.

Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to the members of the Student Council, the Enju Festival Executive Committee, and to all of those who dedicated their time and effort to the success of this year's festival. Please enjoy our "This is not a dream"

訳:I.M. J.S. (本校生徒)